Sunday, August 25, 2013

A year of lip products #42

I have recently discovered that I own an obscene amount of lip products. In an effort to downsize without having a blog sale or burning all the makeup in my possession in a bonfire, I thought it would be a neat little idea to take inventory of my lipsticks, glosses and stains.
Pictures are taken in natural daylight with no color correction or manipulation.
Canmake Stay-On Balm Rouge in 01
This has to be one of my very favorite lip products, ever! It's so well used that what you see in the picture is all that I have left, rolled up all the way! Initially, I was quite skeptical as it appears a strange purple in the tube and I wasn't sure if it was something that I could pull off. But once applied on the lips, would you just look at how beautiful it is? As a balm rouge (I'm assuming this is Canmake's version of a tinted balm), I find it sufficiently pigmented as it's so easy to build up the opacity. On the swatch, it took me about 8 swipes to achieve that sort of color density. It may sound like a lot, but when it glides on so easily you don't really need to put your mind into it. I've worn this to work almost everyday in summer as it also has UV cut (Japanese speak for SPF haha) and I absolutely love that my lips looks perfectly soft and kissable with a juicy looking shine. It's so comfortable and keeps my lips moisturized in the hot weather, too. So, so much win!

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