Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Project Pan

I've read about so many bloggers' Project 10 Pan posts that I feel the need to jump on the bandwagon. One especially inspiring blogger subjected herself to a year-long challenge of low-buy and high-use as you can see here. Many other committed themselves to Project 100 Pan where everything from hair products to toiletries and makeup counts.

To be entirely honest, I'm not sure I could do either. I mean, I'm already on a No Buy Ban and some days it feels like a real challenge to see myself stick to it till year end.

I recently used up a lipstick. Yes, an entire lipstick! And it kinda made me spaz out a little. Mainly because the last time I finished any makeup product was the time when I was a poor student in college and had a grand total of one face powder and one blusher. Times were simple then.

So, back to my finished lipstick.

I got to thinking. Sure, it took me a little while with everyday use to see this lipstick die. But it's perfectly doable. I just have to commit myself to wearing one lipstick for weeks on end. It's boring, it's limiting, it's frustrating, yes, but at the same time, it was so exhilarating knowing that I will never have to reach for that tube involuntarily, ever again.

While I know that there is always a high chance of abandoning the project completely, I'm way curious about how many makeup products I can use up. Just seeing a tube of lipstick worn down to a nub or an eyeshadow hit pan (those things never seem to die!) gives me a genuine high.

I can so do this Project Pan thing.

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